Monday, September 27, 2010

The Documentary on America’s Education System

Small-town teachers often place undue burdens on the taxpayers. They do not understand that they make more money than many of the families that they serve. Teachers who work in big cities and the border cities are underpaid and have jobs most of us would not want.

A new documentary, not produced by a conservative, exposes the true problem with America’s Education system. Teachers Unions protect incompetent teachers and prevent them from getting fired. A new documentary called Waiting for Superman informs viewers of this problem.

Viewers will not find the most shocking part of the video in actual film content. The most shocking feature is where the criticism comes from. Conservatives and Libertarians have long criticized unions for rewarding mediocrity, someone who worked with Al Gore on his largely forgotten film, An Inconvenient Truth.
The producer is liberal and did not want to come to the conclusion that America’s teachers unions are weakening the education system, according to the Fox News morning show, Fox and Friends. Readers can watch the film on Youtube or at the official website for the documentary.

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